M16Revival Partnership & Donate: ‘Become a Partner’

HOW DO YOU BECOME A MONTHLY MINISTRY PARTNER? Becoming a partner usually involved 3 things.



We currently meet as a team once a month to pray together and cry out for revival for the nation and the nations of the world. We would value your prayers and support for the work that God has called us to in preaching the gospel to the nations. Prayer is the key to revival and we know that prayer is the key to breakthrough in this nation. We would like to encourage you to pray for our team and the ministry daily or weekly as God inspires you. A few times a year we have prayer gatherings around London and the UK where you can physically join us; we will send you an invitation when you become a partner and give you dates in advance.



You can start by giving a small amount and increase it as God allows. Most people start by giving £10 – 20 a month with others giving more according to their means. We would like to encourage you to pray about what you should give and respond to His leading. The work we are doing involves pioneering the gospel into new areas where there has not been any Churches planted or where it has been spiritually dry for a long time. With each gift we can see these dry bones start to come alive.



We love to gather our team and partners for a time of encouragement, fellowship and ministry. This is a great time to meet the team face to face and to receive prayer for your spiritual breakthrough. We also believe these are key times we can commission partners into their God given ministry. We have a passion to release people into their God given calling. When we gather it’s a time to wait upon the Lord spending time in His presence and often key prophetic words are released. When you sign up as a monthly partner we will send you the details of when these gatherings take place each year and we will send you a monthly newsletter to keep you updated.

We looking forward to partnering with you to fulfil our mission, to awaken the Church so we can save the world with the love of Jesus. God bless you! Evangelist Kristian Lythe and the M16 Revival Team

Please Fill out this Form below to become a monthly Partner.

    (Gift aid means you can add 25% more to your donation through a government run scheme, at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK taxpayer, and you want to make your donation go further, please indicate so below. If you answer yes, it will apply to previous and future donations.)