Kristian is a gifted, anointed and proven evangelist and I’m delighted to commend his ministry to you. It’s been my privilege to call Kristian a good friend for over 20 years; he is the real deal – sold out for the gospel with a tireless and infectious commitment to see people come into a living relationship with Jesus.
Rev Dominic De Souza, Senior Minister, City Church Cardiff, National Leadership Team, Elim.
Kristian is a passionate man who longs for more of the kingdom of God here on earth. His love for God is infectious and his passion for both the Lord and the lost shines through. It is impossible to spend time with him, without wanting to pursue God more. As a man, husband and father he walks in integrity and as a minister of the Gospel he is a gifted communicator whom God uses to reach many with the Gospel. I am honoured to count him as a friend and highly recommend him as an evangelist who will be a resource to your Church both in evangelism and in helping build up the body of Christ to reach out to the lost. I highly recommend his ministry to you.
Olly Goldenberg, Director, Children Can,
Kristian is passionate and focused on the things of God. His heart burns for the lost, the Gospel and revival. He is a forerunner in raising up evangelists for the end-time harvest. He is a gifted minister of the Lord. Kristian is a dear friend and it is our absolute pleasure to recommend him as an evangelist. Rakesh & Preethy Kurian, Senior Pastors, Capstone Church.
Kristian’s heart is to see revival across this land. What I appreciate most is not the fact that he pulls together mission teams of passionate prayers, enthusiastic evangelists and wonderful worshippers; but rather that he honours what has gone before historically in an area and seeks to help you in your vision and expression of local mission to the lost. Kristian is gifted in many ways and could do much on his own but in humility and grace he wants to take people on a journey of discipleship. His passion for God really helps to raise the faith of Christians and is an example of what a vibrant adventure life can be like to those still considering Jesus. I highly recommend the man and his ministry.
Pastor Alan Osborn, Elim Oasis Church Broadstairs and Regional Missions Director.
I have known Kristian since 2003, when he was a young man fellowshipping and working at Kensington temple. From the very first I could see his passion for the Gospel and evangelism, he came alive when praying and sharing his faith. Over these 18 years we have had many adventures of faith together, preaching the Gospel. Kristian would organise and run an outreach event for Kensington temple during carnival weekend. This would be an explosion of music and evangelism, from prayer warriors to evangelists, reaching the lost. So many people have come to faith from these meetings over the years. Kristian’s faith and passion for lost souls was always the driving force that made it work. To sum up my time with this brother and friend I would have to say he is a man that is just crazy for Jesus, reaching the lost to make a difference in this dark and confused world. Ian McDowall, Tough Talk.
Kristian Lythe is a seasoned evangelist, a true disciple and servant of God that I’ve known for many years. His relentless desire to win souls for Christ, stir up revival, while fulfilling the great commission, have been the love and passion that characterises his life and ministry. It’s been a great pleasure to partner with him in rural and urban evangelism where his ministration brought many out of darkness into the kingdom of God. He is a blessing to the body of Christ, one of God’s instruments, for the last day’s revival. I fully recommend him and his ministry. Pastor Osakue Akioya, Oasis Global.
Kristian’s heart is deeply in love for Jesus and passionate for His Kingdom to advance. He has a real love for the local Church, and he has the gift to equip and release people to move in the Spirit and their calling. Kristian is an excellent communicator, moving with signs and wonders. We have seen lasting fruits in people’s life after each of his visit here in France. I highly recommend him, knowing that God is using him and that he will be a blessing. Pastor Luc Favre, Elim France.
Kristian is the first name that comes to my mind when I am asked to tell what an evangelist at heart is. His passion for the lost is matched by his prayer life and by his actions. I watched him in UK and in his visits to Romania, where he led many groups and ministered in the power of the Spirit. His recent ministry to the pastors and to the teams who are involved in Church planting in Constanta region was very much appreciated. I enjoyed seeing him working along his wife, Toyin, who shared to the youth and also did a medical clinic for impoverished children. I believe that in this new season of his calling he will be used mightily for the growth of the Kingdom of God. Pastor Vasilica Croitor, Betleem Church, Romania