Kristian Lythe Evangelist Kristian Graham Lythe- Founder of M16 Revival Ministry and M16 Revival Foundation

Kristian Graham Lythe is the founder of M16 Revival which is based on the Great Commission in Mark 16:15-20. Previously, he served as the Missions’ Director and Evangelist at Kensington Temple (KT) London for 23 years, where he played an active role as a part of Senior Minister Colin Dye’s primary team, the KT London City Church (LCC) regional team and the KT LCC Church board. Kristian and his wife Toyin were commissioned and released by Pastors Colin and Amanda Dye in September 2018 to strategically pursue the wider work of evangelism in the UK and the nations.

Kristian has a vision to see revival birthed across the nations. Under the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit, his mandate is to reach out to the non-Christians in the UK, with a call to stir hearts to prayer, practically inspire the Church to outreach and to activate a radical move of the Holy Spirit which will facilitate revival. A significant mark upon his ministry is the empowerment of the body of Christ which releases them into power evangelism, through the activation of the Holy Spirit. He is also a revival historian.

He has been involved in the training and development of local and international missions’ teams in over 30 countries spanning three continents. Kristian is an Advisory Evangelist at Capstone Church where he advises and supports Capstone to plant new Churches in the UK. In his spare time, Kristian loves playing football, swimming, and researching the history of the great revivalists.