What is M16 Revival?

M16 Revival is a team of revival missionaries who are passionate about reviving the Great Commission found in Mark’s Gospel chapter 16 in the local Church and the wider world. Our mission is see an awakening in the Church that will culminate in a fresh wave of missions. We have a burden to raise up short term and long term missionaries to advance the gospel and to spark a new missionary movement. Our heart is to partner with all Churches, and all Christians to preach the saving message of Jesus Christ to the whole world.


The name “M16 Revival” stands for Mark 16 Revival. Our desire is to see a revival of Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15-20. We want to see the Church rise up to advance the gospel wherever we go. We see the Church being stirred with a fresh love for Jesus. This love will cause the body of Christ to reach out to new people in their local communities, towns and villages in the UK and the nations.


M16 Revival started with a small group of us praying over a map of the United Kingdom in a house in Watford. God started to speak to us about a revival that is coming and that there is going to be a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the nation. We began to see in prayer fresh gospel fires being lit all over the UK and that the revival was going to spread. We started to send teams around the UK to places where God told us to go, to re-dig the wells of revival. The team has currently been going from ‘Coast to Coast’, crying out that God will revive these shores and cleanse the coastline of the UK.

The team is also passionate about global Revival Tours and has currently led Revival Tours and missions to the UK, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland and France. The aim for every Revival Tour is to partner with the local Church and see the Church advance the gospel in each country we go. M16 Revival essentially is about reviving the ‘GO’ of the gospel.